Immune Boosting

For many people at the this moment a lot of thought is on how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from Covid-19. I have had several people asking me about how we can boost our immune systems so I thought it would be useful to put something in a blog.

Of course the advice being given by the health authorities about hand washing and minimising risk in contact with others is the most important advice we can have. This in no way contradicts this advice.

However what boosts our immune system? Here are some of my top tips:

  • Focus on getting as much fresh fruit and vegetables into your daily food as you can. The vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals form the essentials in the body’s defence system, the fibre helps us develop more gut bacteria that are also a vital part of our immunity defence system. This is not hard - eat fresh, colourful, tasty veg and fruit…

  • Use spices - adding many immune boosting spices like ginger and turmeric into your food can help boost immunity… I feel a big curry coming soon

  • As an easy step to using those spices, I often make a potion for the family… use it as a prevention too.


When we get worried or anxious about something (and this virus spreading is certainly causing that), our tendencies can be to ‘numb’ the feelings away with whatever are our favourite numbing techniques - binge eating or drinking, smoking, over information (constantly updating yourself on social media maybe)… the problem is that this does not take away the stress, it enhances it… and stress has a very harsh effect on our immune systems…

Often the foods we choose as ‘comfort food’ are not the ones that will help us - processed foods, fizzy drinks, excess coffee, sugar, salt and low quality fats will only add more stress on the body at this time when it needs all your resources.

So as well as boosting yourself with fresh veg, fruit and spices, think about what helps you lower your stress levels…

  • enjoy the nights in with a bath, good book, nice film

  • get out and exercise - preferably outdoors for the immune system - walking, running, cycling

  • slow down your breath and focus on it several times a day - especially after watching the news or anything that you feel is bothering you

  • stretching, yoga… this can also be very helpful in reducing stress and making us feel good in our bodies

  • listening to music you love, calling a friend or loved on, finding something to laugh about (a favourite comedian’s sketch) - it may seem mad but there is lot of power in connection and laughter that keeps us going…

You probably all have your own personal favourite things that boost your mood - why not share them below…

I wish you all WELL